Saturday, November 23, 2013

Not Survive, But Victory

As a traditional industry, newspaper had to face so many troubles when digital times was coming. But it is both an opportunity and a threat as the article said. The threat is losing some print subscription, while the opportunity is attracting more new digital generation’s attention by a perfect digital revolution. In my own opinion, digital times should be an opportunity rather than a threat for newspaper. So are pay walls good digital strategies? Is the Times a good model? Before analyze the pay walls strategies and Times model, I first need to put customers into two categories—Traditional & New-fashioned.

Traditional customers will keep subscripting print newspaper even they are in a digital world. They are not “antique” who are not accepted new things. They just would like to stick to the original habits like traditional paper books and CDs. In their minds, although new digital substitutes are more convenient and easy-to-use, traditional goods have their own idiosyncrasy that the digital substitutes cannot replace them. I have to say that I am a definitely traditional customer. I would like to read paper books rather than eBooks. But I also would like to play games, watch videos and use apps on PC, iPad and iPhone.

New-fashioned customers are the customers that newspaper industry had lost for print subscription. When digital times came, new-fashioned customers were actively enjoying digital world. If possible, they would like to use digital products to replace everything. They can spend whole-day time on digital. So what newspaper company should do now is improving the digital newspaper to attract new-fashioned customers. The digital newspaper should use more video news, connect with social medias and add more interaction functions.

After the analysis of customers, I will look into the pay wall strategy. I think it is a good strategy for digital newspaper. On one hand, for traditional customers, they can get more benefit (both print newspaper and digital newspaper) by paying the same price so that they will continue subscripting print newspaper. On the other hand, for new-fashioned customers, if the digital newspaper is user friendly enough for them, they’d glad to paying for digital subscription. Pay wall will not only protect digital news property, but also provide a high quality and more personalized service. So I think most news seekers will accept pay wall.

At the same time, I think NY Times was a good model for the whole newspaper industry. First, metered system (free the first 20 articles per month) can get steady subscription from loyal customer while not drive away casual visitors who made up the vast majority of the site’s traffic. Second, device-specific will give different device users different experiences and benefits, because each device has its own characteristics and limits. I think NY Times’ model will set a good example for newspaper industry in the future.

In addition, pay wall strategy is not only used in newspaper industry. This strategy can be found in paper resource web, music web and so on. So it should be an appropriate strategy for the industries that are changing from traditional model to digital model.

In my opinion, digital does not mean free, it just provide a more quickly way to get information. So I want to say that 
"the pay wall strategy will not just save newspaper industry, it will bring newspaper industry another prosperity."


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